
Canzoni all’angolo



Canzoni all’angolo


A distanza di sei anni dal precedente lavoro in studio, il cantautore salentino (romano d’adozione), torna sulla scena musicale con un album più compatto, ancora più personale e autentico, di estrema forza e maturità.

Dopo i primi due dischi amatoriali (1998 e 2002) e soprattutto dopo il fortunato (e pluri-premiato) esordio ufficiale con “Asincrono” (2010), molto apprezzato da critica e pubblico, Luigi Mariano ha riversato tutto se stesso in queste undici intense tracce, tirando fuori soprattutto l’energia segreta della sua anima più rock. La rabbia, la disillusione amara, il sarcasmo o l’autoironia dei brani più ritmici e movimentati fanno da solida cornice musicale “reattiva” ad emozioni più morbide e struggenti, che trovano sfogo in ballate malinconiche e nostalgiche, autentiche gemme senza tempo, che toccano il cuore e restano dentro a lungo. L’album è dedicato simbolicamente al padre (scomparso due anni fa).

La produzione artistica e gli arrangiamenti dell’album, così come per il disco precedente, sono stati affidati al gusto equilibrato e internazionale di Alberto Lombardi, la cui fusione perfetta col sapore più italiano della scrittura di Luigi genera inattese alchimie, rendendo il disco vitale, accattivante nei suoni e nelle atmosfere.

Tre brani della tracklist godono anche del fascino di un delizioso quartetto d’archi, arrangiato e diretto al “Mad Entertainment Studio recording” di Napoli dalla sensibilità di Antonio Fresa (colonna sonora de “L’Arte della felicità” di Alessandro Rak).

La presenza degli ospiti che duettano con Luigi non è casuale ma conseguenza di empatie umane fortissime, prima ancora che artistiche.

La vecchia amicizia con Simone Cristicchi (nata sui palchi dei locali romani nel 2003) trova la sua giusta espressione in “FA BENE FA MALE”, brano trascinante e dirompente, che rivendica l’importanza del dubbio e dell’integrità di pensiero, rispetto al bombardamento capzioso di informazioni e pareri ricevuti ogni giorno dai media o anche da semplici cittadini che ci tirano per la giacchetta, trascinandoci spesso in pericolosi radicalismi di pensiero, estremismi e fanatismi.

La sensazione di un mondo che tende ad umiliare (lasciando spesso a bocca asciutta) chiunque ci metta cuore, preparazione e studio si manifesta nel rock di “ALLA FINE DEL CHECK”, assieme alla cantautrice Nina Monti, che indirettamente regala (nei suoi cori) anche la voce di protesta, dolente ma decisa, delle donne.

Il duetto divertente de “L’OTTIMISTA TRISTE” con l’amico Mino De Santis (coautore del pezzo e vera icona popolare e poetica dell’intero Salento) riporta Luigi alle proprie radici del sud, alle espressioni dialettali più di pancia, all’autoironia scanzonata: veri balsami per superare molte difficoltà del quotidiano.

Il clarinetto, il sax soprano, la tromba e il flauto di un altro ospite, ossia del maestro Pericle Odierna (Nino Buonocore, Joe Barbieri, Enzo Avitabile, Simone Cristicchi), talentuoso compositore di colonne sonore per il cinema, il teatro e la TV, arricchiscono gli arrangiamenti di tocchi di sopraffina classe musicale, donando al disco impennate di qualità e magia.

Infine la voce di Neri Marcorè, presente nella nostalgica titletrack “CANZONI ALL’ANGOLO” e legato a Luigi da molteplici passioni comuni, sembra anche tirare le fila di un disco che rivela un occhio di simpatia verso chi non vive l’esuberanza egocentrica del successo (sia esso artistico o meno), restando relegato agli angoli della vita, dove però riesce comunque a trovare dignità e una propria quadratura del cerchio.

L’album è impreziosito anche da “COME ORBITE CHE CAMBIANO”, un pezzo intenso e raffinato sulla fine del grande amore tra l’astrofisico Stephen Hawking e la sua prima moglie Jane, nonché da una sorprendente cover di “THE GHOST OF TOM JOAD” di Bruce Springsteen, dedicata agli ultimi del mondo. Luigi canta Springsteen in italiano, scegliendo questo gioiello tra la quarantina di canzoni dell’artista statunitense che nel tempo ha adattato: un corposo e accurato lavoro di divulgazione poetica, iniziato nel lontano 2003.

In studio, oltre che le inconfondibili chitarre elettriche, acustiche e classiche di Alberto Lombardi, hanno prestato il loro grande talento professionisti impeccabili come Alessandro Valle (da dieci anni in tour con De Gregori) alla pedal steel guitar, mandolino e dobro; Primiano Di Biase (Edoardo De Angelis, Dire Straits Legacy, Neri Marcorè) alla fisarmonica, hammond e pianoforte; Marco Rovinelli (Samuele Bersani) alla batteria; Pierpaolo Ranieri (Paola Turci, Massimo Ranieri) al basso e contrabbasso elettrico; Mario Gentili (Fiorella Mannoia) al violino e alla viola.

L’album è stato registrato, mixato e masterizzato da Alberto Lombardi al “Belair Studio” di Albano Laziale ed è edito da Esordisco e distribuito da Audioglobe.


Nato a Galàtone in Salento, Luigi Mariano scrive canzoni dal 1992, anno del suo trasferimento a Roma, in cui resta per 20 anni.

Dopo la pubblicazione del suo album d’esordio “ASINCRONO” (2010), un mix di teatro-canzone, impegno civile e profondo intimismo, ha vinto svariati premi e prestigiosi concorsi musicali, tra cui: la targa speciale al “Premio Ciampi 2013”; il “Premio U. Bindi 2011” per il miglior testo (“Edoardo”); premio RAI webradio (per “Asincrono”) al “Premio Lunezia nuove proposte 2011; la targa F.I.M.I. (per “Il negazionista” ed “Edoardo”) al “Premio A. Daolio 2010 – città di Sulmona”; due “targhe d’Autore Controcorrente 2013” (album coi “migliori testi” e miglior album di “denuncia sociale”) e il “Premio Civilia Salento” 2015.

Il brano “Questo tempo che ho” ha vinto 2 contest radiofonici, come brano  più votato: nel 2008 su Radio Sapienza e nel 2012 su Radio1 RAI a “Citofonare Cuccarini“.

Il primo CD ha anche ottenuto lodi da parte di moltissimi artisti (tra cui: Neri Marcorè, Cristicchi, Fiorello) o svariati giornalisti, tra cui gli entusiasti Andrea Scanzi de “Il Fatto” e Stefano Mannucci de “Il Tempo” (e tantissimi altri), con splendide recensioni, sia cartacee che sul web, da parte di varie riviste musicali e testate nazionali (tra cui: “Il Tempo”, “Il Fatto”,La Stampa”, “Il sole24ore”, “Il Mucchio”, “L’isola”, “Blow Up”, “Jam”, “Rockerilla” e altri). Innumerevoli gli articoli sul “Quotidiano di Puglia”, che lo segue fin dall’inizio.

Il 24 luglio 2014 “La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno” gli dedica un intero paginone.

La sua versione in italiano di “Matamoros banks” di Bruce Springsteen entra nel settembre 2010 in “For you 2”, un doppio CD ufficiale dedicato al Boss, prodotto dall’autore RAI e discografico Ermanno Labianca per “Route 61”.

Il suo brano “Non ti chiamerò” commenta la scena clou finale di “Fallo per papà”, commedia uscita nel 2012, su colonna sonora del compositore Pericle Odierna.

Il suo brano “Intimità” è interpretato il 30 maggio 2013 da Massimo Altomare al “Festival Nazionale della canzone erotica“, col sestetto della Mirko Guerrini band (al Politeama di Prato).

La sua versione (registrata in quartetto dal vivo, al teatro di Livorno) di “Più di così no” di Piero Ciampi, vincitrice della “Targa Speciale al Premio Ciampi 2013, entra (nell’aprile 2014) in “Piero Litaliano 50 anni dopo”, un disco-compilation ufficiale prodotto dal Premio Ciampi e dedicato al tormentato cantautore livornese.


Testi e musiche: Luigi Mariano
Produzione esecutiva: Pierre Ruiz
Produzione artistica: Alberto Lombardi
Arrangiamenti: Alberto Lombardi


Luigi Mariano: voce, pianoforte (2), rhodes (2), armonica (9), cori
Alberto Lombardi: chitarre (acustiche, classiche, elettriche), rhodes (2; 9; 10), programmazioni, percussioni, fischio, cori
Marco Rovinelli: batteria
Pierpaolo Ranieri: basso e contrabbasso elettrico
Primiano Di Biase: fisarmonica (5; 6; 7), rhodes (5; 6; 9), hammond (1; 2; 4; 5; 6; 7), pianoforte (2; 7; 8; 10)
Antonio Fresa: pianoforte  in “Come orbite che cambiano” e “L’ora di andar via
Alessandro Valle: pedal steel guitar (1; 7; 9), mandolino (6), dobro (5)
Mario Gentili: violino e viola in “Canzoni all’angolo” e “L’ottimista triste
Simone “Federicuccio” Talone: timbales in “L’ottimista triste

quartetto d’archi, sotto la direzione di Antonio Fresa
Salvatore Lombardo: I violino
Domenico Mancino: II violino
Giuseppe Navelli: viola
Aurelio Bertucci: violoncello

Con la partecipazione amichevole di:
Neri Marcorè: voce in “Canzoni all’angolo” e seconda voce ne “Il fantasma di Tom Joad
Simone Cristicchi: voce e invettiva “remottiana” in “Fa bene fa male
Mino De Santis: voce in “L’ottimista triste
Nina Monti: seconda voce e cori in “Alla fine del check” e “Fa bene fa male
Pericle Odierna: tromba in “Come orbite che cambiano”, sax soprano in “Quello che non serve più”, clarinetto in “L’ottimista triste”, flauto in “Canzoni all’angolo



  • 01. Mille bombe atomiche
  • 02. Fa bene fa male
  • 03. Come orbite che cambiano
  • 04. Scambio di persona
  • 05. Quello che non serve più
  • 06. L’ottimista triste
  • 07. Se ne vanno
  • 08. Alla fine del check
  • 09. Il fantasma di Tom Joad
  • 10. Canzoni all’angolo
  • 11. L’ora di andar via


Take my shoes and bury them
With pen and paper and broken vows
In memory of the lover I’ll never be
Whose answers kill her into his arms
Every man and woman
Think of me when you’re home

Wishing in a maelstrom of all your dreams and plans
Misty-eyes and shock of tears shaken
Wishing for a end somehow
to cut off these demands
Waiting IT for all your days Taken

Take my eyes and bury them
You won’t need them to see into the dark
I apologize to my woman
For all the hours of caress I gave
For the damage I’ve done
For all the waste I have made
I say

Taken, breaking away
All this love
but Never to see the light of day
This treasure will bring you down
To the bottom of the only sea
I’m the one who Brought the axe down
I refuse to be—- Set free

Bring me down
Oh bring me near
Well there’s no way to stop this now
It’s so close to home
And No One Must Find You Here

I made up cold and lifeless
And gripped the axe Strong like a man
as if Not to be scared
Passing away from channels
it never was born to
Only You can see
The real One in me
Can you

I want you
I want you so badly
Bad enough to know

Wishing in a maelstrom of all my dreams and plans
Misty-eyes and shock of tears shaken
Wishing for a end somehow
to cut off these demands
Waiting it for all your days taken

Bring me down
Oh bring me near
Well there’s no way to stop this now
It’s so close to home
No One Must Find You Here.

Becomes so silent
birds look down
music for my woods
spoken like with both our tongues
she stepped from my woods
miles left in the dark

waiting for you just another fool

there’s so much
that you don’t know
life is in your hands
there’s so much
that you cant see
while you’ve made your plans
I found in your room
the smell of other women’s perfume

there’s so much
you’ll never know
my face on your hand
foolish as they join us both
now we’ve taken sides
love was warm at home
the rain upon the guards that slept outside

I come in to your room
smoke responds with smoke
with your empty smile remember on my painted cloak
there’s rain on my skin
let me in you,
please just let me in

Once inside our bedroom dower music fills our ears
promised now from both our tongues you step from my ears

deftly in the dark waiting for her lost another fool

there’s so much
that you don’t know
my face in your hands
there’s so much
you never see
while you make your plans
love was warm at home
and I was born with soul made to roam

It’s so dark in my home
In this world I live alone
Whiskey sour in my sunrise
In my head like a silver eyes

In the cantina
Sun-drenched arena
I’m here sleeping
In my sparkle silver
And now my home is cantina

Alone in love sweet foam
In her womb sea foam washes
All I love is now ashes
Windows show by the shore

All my life
I’ve been fighting crying to sleep at night
All my life
oh Is mother dead
her brother dead
daughters and lovers tied to this world

So their home is a cantina
It’s so dark in my home

I’m a stone cold loner I’m as hard as a man can be
Just can’t help myself
When the love comes down on me

If you’re a cheater ain’t never gonna love me long
I leave you in the morning
my soul and my heart too strong

If you’re a woman is a liar you’re gonna laugh while you steal me blind
you never know your loving
you don’t know your own mind

Your woman told me you’re with another babe
found her in the morning in another black bird ’s cage
woe is me
what you’re gonna do if there’s another blackbird picking at your seed

I have an angel her eyes like the ocean blue
Someday that bluebird
Is gonna fly home back to you

You prayed for a savior never to be crucified
Never have your woman you’re just so cold inside

I went to the ocean I wish I was as smart as you
don’t need no woman for your bed nothing left to do

Ain’t never been nothing but bad luck and trouble ‘till you came along
Ain’t never been nothing but bad luck and trouble messed up my happy home

Bluebird fly
Bluebird fly
fly your way back home to me

Under the Babylon sun she showed to me her smile
It was slipping in soft on her shoulder into my two brown eyes
She had a language of love that twisted in pure meniscus
But she was only a fool to be fooled
Don’t you wish for somebody cool sometime?
Don’t you wish that confidence would take a body over?
You call me your sweet delight a monkey for a king
It’s emotion it don’t mean a thing

Just your distortion, distortion, distortion
got a hold on you

Somewhere inside of my brain there was twisting last night
Mother thought that I held on too many hands all over you
you got too many affairs and another outside of your door
and you could only use to come home
Don’t you want somebody cool sometime

Don’t you wish that confidence would take a body over?
You call me your sweet delight a monkey for a king
It ain’t nothing it don’t mean a thing

Just your distortion, distortion, distortion
got a hold on you

You play outside of my window
I can see what you do
And I take all my love just to know how to
get inside of you
it’s been years and years since I had a sane love of my life
and it will be of use to yours too
Don’t you want somebody cool sometime
Don’t you wish that confidence would take a body over?
You call me your sweet delight a monkey for a king
It’s emotion it don’t mean a thing

Just your distortion, distortion, distortion
got a hold on you

I’m lying in my bed
The blanket is warm
This body will never be safe from harm
Still feel your hair, black ribbons of coal
Touch my skin to keep me whole

If only you’d come back to me
If you laid at my side
Wouldn’t need no mojo pin
To keep me satisfied

Don’t want to weep for you, don’t want to know
I’m blind and tortured, the white horses flow
The memories fire, the rhythms fall slow

Black beauty Love you so

Precious, precious silver and gold
and pearls in oyster’s flesh
Drop down we two to serve and pray to love

Born again from the rhythm,
screaming down from heaven
Ageless, ageless,
I’m there in your arms

Don’t want to weep for you, I don’t want to know
I’m blind and tortured, the white horses flow
The memories fire, the rhythms fall slow

Black beauty I love you so, so, slow

The welts of your scorn, my love, give me more
Send whips of opinion down my back, give me ‘ more
Well it’s you I’ve waited my life to see
It’s you I’ve searched so hard for

Don’t want to weep for you, I don’t want to know
I’m blind and tortured, the white horses flow
The memories fire, the rhythms fall slow

Black beauty I love you so
Black beauty

Cold wind blow this waiting blood
Flow into my ashen arms
Ice stream prick my sleeping skin
She is like the so black time
Race on in and never go away
She’s just like this wind

Black car with your creaking wheel
Take away these thoughts of mine

Once there was a crazy man
Staring from his drunken eyes
Staring stony into her elbow’s way
Stared at me and telling me
‘stead of ‘oh poor lonely me
I claw the bed and I claw my hair

Oh black car with your creaking wheel
Take away these thoughts of mine
Pictures sing in rhythm with ’em
Dig the holes for me to sleep inside

She is free
A shadow crossing the sky
Free from hope and this misery
She’s beautiful, so beautiful away from me
She is free
She is free

Black car with your creaking wheel
Take away these thoughts of mine
Catch us sing in rhythm with ’em
Dig both holes for me to sleep inside

She is free
Shadow crossing the sky
Free from hope and this misery
She’s beautiful, so beautiful away from me
She is free
She is free

I want to be
your Harem Man
Your slave and master one in the same

Been having those dreams
too many hands on you
Gonna show you what you’re Papa going through
‘Cause I love you
and I want you

I’ll be your ship on the ocean
be your cabin boy
want to be your father mother and your bathtub toy
want to peep in your crow’s nest want to look out for land
I want to be punished by your hand

‘Cause I love you
and I want you
Nobody but you
‘Cause I love you
and I want

Nobody but you

You got your twenty-four Swastika tattoo yesterday
You got you messing with your hair when they cut your hippie hair away
You got your twenty-four Gold pierced earring in your nose
24 years and you still don’t know the way the wind blows

You got no

You know when you want
it ‘cause you run away in silence
You’re living in a zone and you want to wish away your parents
You got yourself a girl with the face and the voice of a whore
Three days down the line you can’t remember what you killed yourself for

You got no

You’re no soul rebel
if you rip on your skin
You’re no soul rebel
with your boot in your shin
You’re no soul rebel
it’s your own chance to fight
You’re just the same as those fat old bastards you hate
with no soul

You call yourself a rebel
but you call them
man a nigger
like they do
You call yourself a rebel
but you put your woman down like they do
You call yourself a rebel
but you don’t walk and piss like they do

You got no woman, no soul, no balls no heart So what you got a God to pray to
You got no
You’re no soul rebel if you spit on your sister
You’re no soul rebel with your boot on your shin
You’re no soul rebel it’s your last chance to fight
You’re just the same as those fat old bastards you hate
with no soul

You call yourself a rebel but you call that man a nigger like they do
You call yourself a rebel but you put your woman down like they do
You call yourself a rebel but you rape, scheme and lie like they do
You got no woman no soul no balls

So what you got a God to pray to
you got no you got no no soul

You’re no soul rebel if you spit on your sister
You’re no soul rebel with your boot on your shin
You’re no soul rebel it’s your last chance to fight
You’re just the same as those fat old bastards you hate
with no soul

Back when I was a baby
a baby saying his prayers
Prayers soft and lonely
lonely all these days
Days that meld into nothing
and nothing left for a boy
But to hide his dreams away
hide all his dreams away

Daisies after daisies, a daisy’s for your floor
Ah days that melt into nothing
A promise piled to the door
Door the door was open
There’s nothing left for a boy
but to hide these dreams away
All those dreams decay

Laura know this song for always
Laura show this song to no one

I had to fight for these moments
sweet moments of mine
Each life must blossom and die
but my song comes strong in time
Nothing left for a boy
nothing left for a boy
But to hide those dreams away
all those dreams decay

Laura know this song for always
Laura show this song to no one

Oh I had to fight for these moments
these sweet moments of mine
Each life must blossom
but my song comes strong in time
Although the door was open
there’s nothing left for you now
But to hide your dreams away
’till they come into play

Laura know this song for always
Laura show this song to no one
Laura know this song for always
Laura show this song to no one
Show this song to no one

Oh born a rover just a baby
Always tried to keep in one place for long, oh, long enough to sleep
And sleep my dreams are still here
Dreaming gonna get my rest
well don’t wait up for me

I’m moving on again
Moving on again
I’m moving… moving on again
Well I’m moving… moving on again

Baby… you’re so cruel
You’re cruel to yourself, so you can’t understand
A boy’ll never do you wrong
For you to build the bed frame that you sleep upon
So spilled your milk and your honey, get your kicks off your next man
Think of anything to say to make him move on

Ah you’re moving
moving on again
Oh you’re moving… moving on again
Baby, you’re so cruel

When I tell about the dream you’re so real
And my heart was straining to hear your words of pain
of your shame
Oh baby you’re so cruel

Wonder what your gonna think of yourself when the phone calls fade away
As you hold his shoulders
Did you think it would come to this day?
Yeah ask yourself why your love will never surround you
He was one of many on the day he found you

Oh you’re moving… moving on again

Baby, you’re so cruel

There’s the moon asking to stay
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
Oh, it’s my time coming, I’m not afraid, afraid to die
My fading voice sings of love
But she cries to the clicking of time, oh

Wait in the fire
Wait in the fire
Wait in the fire
Wait in the fire

And she weeps on my arm
Walking to the bright lights in sorrow
Oh, drink a bit of wine we both might go tomorrow
Oh, my love
And the rain is falling and I believe
My time has come
It reminds me of the pain I might leave
Leave behind

Wait in the fire
Wait in the fire
Wait in the fire
Wait in the fire

And I feel that I’m drown my name
So easy to know
And forget with this kiss
I’m not afraid to go but it goes so slow, oh

Wait in the fire
Wait in the fire
Wait in the fire
Wait in the fire

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